Extra Services takes care of the right Permit for you
As a Haulier, you need a Permit for the movement of your Abnormal Loads. Extra Services understands the requirements of the Dutch Road Traffic Act [Wegenverkeerswet] and can apply for a permit from the Dutch Vehicle and Driving Licence Registration Authority [Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer or RDW]. Once you are in possession of the Permit your vehicle is then authorized to travel over the designated route.
Since 1st March 2015, non-Dutch vehicles have had to be registered with the Dutch Vehicle and Driving Licence Registration Authority [Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer or RDW] before a permit for an Abnormal Load (Convoi Exceptionnel) can be applied for. Extra Services can take care of registering your vehicle or vehicles and apply for a Dutch permit for Hauliers from abroad.
Extra Services can also apply for permits for you in countries like Belgium, Germany and France. We have a European network of service providers with expertise in local legislation and regulations.
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